The Internet is no longer a new phenomenon. And it is as necessary in our daily lives as the household appliances of daily use, for example, the refrigerator or the washing machine. Currently, mobile phone operators offer ADSL or fiber optic Internet offers, the last to arrive.
The use of cable is history. One of the benefits to connecting to broadband Internet happens to be the opportunity of doing it by wireless connection cheers to routers with the ability to create Wi-Fi networks in an area in between 20 and 50 meters all over the place of this device, with the requirement to install cables for the rooms.

The ADSL (acronym of English Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line; asymmetric digital subscriber line) is a technology for broadband Internet access, which implies a speed higher than a modem connection in data transfer, since the modem happens to use the voice band and thus stops voice service while in use and vice versa.
ADSL technology happens to be designed so that the download or download capacity is greater than the upload capacity, which corresponds to the use of the Internet by the majority of end-users, who receive more information than they send (or download more of what goes up). Instead, Unifi fibre coverage optics used to be a thin thread of glass or fused silicon that use to conduct light. It happens to allow the data transmission very fast since it is done through light pulses and it is very stable because it is not affected by interference. Fiber optics allows several devices to be connected to the Internet simultaneously without the perception of speed loss. In addition, it allows the use of video and voice transmission and reception systems with high sound and image quality and allows viewing of high definition television (HD) over the Internet. You have to learn all this when you’re handling penetration testing.