Being in a relationship is not all about lovey-dovey situations but it is actually more than that. A mature relationship is where there are efforts, commitments, sacrifices and learning. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship because nothing is perfect but you can make it work by eliminating the mindset of ‘relationship is all about love’.
Different people have their own public display of affection and their love language. Even though some might have the same love language such as words of affirmation, there will still be slight differences for each person. That is why, learning about your significant other is crucial in a relationship and that is obviously not only love. It requires a lot of time and effort to do so.
So, in this article, you will learn about what are the things that will help to keep your relationship strong.
1. Communicate better
Communication is basically the most important thing in this world and especially in your relationship. In a relationship, you should know how to communicate when you are happy, sad and most importantly when you are mad. Most relationships – marriage, couples – ended because of lack of communication and the wrong communication ways. You have to spend your time listening to each other’s problems and you should know when and how to react when they are ventilating their feelings. Once again, each person has their own ways, so you should learn about yours’ and your partner’s.
2. Create routines
Kissing goodbye every morning, eating breakfast together every day, greeting each other every time you get back from home and such things are the things that we consider as routines. You creating routines together will actually make both of you closer to each other. If you are in a long distance relationship, a dinner date once a month should be good. At least show effort to make each other happy and that will strengthen your relationship.
3. Spend time together
Spending time together is wide. You can choose to spend time in your own ways; watching movies, grocery shopping, food hunting and even going to an animal safari is considered spending time together. But, if you prefer intimate time together you can always have a staycation at your favourite hotel and purchase the best vibrators in Malaysia to spice up your night!

4. Show gratitude
Showing gratitude and appreciation is very important in any relationship because that basically makes the feeling stronger. As simple as saying “Thank you, I love you”, you can make your significant other happy. If you think they like flowers, gifts or maybe a dinner date, give it to them. That is basically how you show gratitude to your partner. Telling your partner how much you love them will often make their day, so do it more often.
5. Give each other some space
Absence makes the hearts grow fonder. If you ever heard of that, you should know that it is real. In a relationship, you must have seen your partner at almost all times and taking a break from each other is important too. Spend a night away from each other and enjoy their absence then you will know how much you actually love them. This is very healthy to do in a relationship and you will notice that your relationship is getting better.